For each individual to ‘shine’, by instilling a legacy of life-long learning, inspiring and empowering each individual to a world of possibilities.
‘Let your Light Shine’ Matthew 5:16
Be empowered, be inspired…’shine’
This underpins all we undertake at our school. We have high expectations (academic, personal, social, moral and spiritual) and we aspire for all our pupils to aim high and succeed in all they do.

Mission Statement
Egglescliffe CE Primary enables everyone to be:
- Successful learners, who enjoy learning, make excellent progress and achieve to the best of their ability.
- Confident individuals who feel safe, are happy, healthy, enjoy a challenge and are resilient when facing difficulty.
- Responsible citizens who care for one another and their environment and make positive contributions to the community and the wider world.
- To be the change you want to see.
Each child is recognised as a unique individual who is inspired to grow as a responsible citizen and realise their potential within an enriched Christian family underpinned by our core beliefs of:
Love, Trust, Hope and Friendship